
A while ago I talked about making a Raspberry Pi Controlled car.  Don’t worry.  I did not forget.  Actually, I started yesterday writing some code to get the DC motor running.  What I need to get this working from a functional point of view is a Motor Controller which is a L298N in this case […]

PI4J 1.0

Hi folks, just got informed about the availability of the latest release for PI4J.  Version 1.0 has been released. For more information, please visit www.savagehomeautomation.com and www.pi4j.com If you are interested to do some Raspberry Pi development and you want to do it in Java, this is the way to go. Jan

Look and feel changes

I continuously try to work on the look and feel of my blog.   I realize that this is not always an easy thing.  Generating great  content in a great look and feel.  I admit I am new to blogging and sometimes my choices might not be as promising as I want them to be.  A […]