Hello all, I just came into something that might be interesting to simulate and debug applications using PI4J. Have a look at RaspInLoop. I am an IntelliJ user so I can’t test it. Hopefully there will come something similar for IntelliJ. Jan
New Car Chassis
Hello all, first of all I want to wish you all a very happy 2016. Hope all your dreams may come true and mine of course. During the Winter holidays I took the opportunity to order a new chassis for the Raspberry Pi Controlled Car. The one I got was not good. Pieces were missing […]
Need for Spring ?
I have a setupCar method which initializes the inputs (individual motors)I use on my RPD (Raspberry Pi Driven) Car. When I look at the code I notice this is not ideal. Too much hardcoded dependencies and this is not really something I want. Imagine I would like to swtich pins because a pin broke, … […]
RMI finally working
My research on how to use RMI wasn’t really a piece of cake. In a first stage I tried an sample using the rmic to generate the stub which went fairly easy. But afterwards I found out that this was not really the way to go since this solution was oldfashioned. I than tried the […]