Now been busy with circuits on breadboard connected with Raspberry Pi for some time and regularly it happens when I work on a new circuit, I remove the previous one but when I have to set it up again, it sometimes takes a while to get everything right again. Mostly I need to look in […]
dealing DC motor noise
To come back on my previous post. So putting a ceramic 100nF capacitor on the DC motor solved the interference (noise) issues. I did a lot of reading on the internet. Google was indeed my friend. I had no clue what size of capacitor to use but I ready few articles where 100nF was proposed […]
IR with DC motor working !!!!
I did it !!!! I got the IR with DC motor working. I have put a ceramic capacitor on the DC motor and that made the noise go away. I used a 100nF capacitor. I had been reading about it but months ago I made the mistake not to use the right capacitor. I realized […]
Breakthrough ??
After trying a lot of things to solve the noise issue from the DC motor, I finally decided being without ideas to replace the DC motor. And guess what. Now the infrared reader keeps receiving correct values. The big question is now of course what is the difference between those 2 DC motors. Maybe too […]