Developments TCS34725 finished

I created a new release 1.2 and pushed to Github.  I finished the development and troubleshooting for the use of TCS34725.  After posting my findings on the Adafruit Forum I understood that my readings in my application were correct.  A little python script proved this because the results there were the same.  As a conclusion I […]

Sensor TCS34725

Currently working with the Sensor TCS34725 (Color light-to-digital converter with ir filter.  Promising when you look at the description of the sensor.  But already when doing early tests I did not get the right rgb readings.  I also used a simple Python program to get the RGB readings but also there the output is similar. […]

bugfix released

I just released a little bugfix.  I was reading the datasheet for the sensor again and refactored a little to do it exactly as described in the datasheet.  The previous version was also working perfectly but I did some write actions which were not necessary. Check it out at Github:   Jan  

First Example release ready

My first developments are ready. In short I created a java application that has to be installed on the Raspberry Pi which will read temperature and pressure from an Adafruit sensor (mpl1115a2) and showing reading on a small 16×2 LCD screen (Adafruit). As said in my previous post, I only used java technology and Pi4J. […]