Status Optocoupler

I finally got the octocouplers and tried them in my circuit but without success. I think I have reviewed my code and circuit tens of times but I don’t see where is the issue. Even with the octocouplers connected I still have the same symptoms. Once the DC motor runs, I cannot read any signal […]


I have been done a lot of research and reading the last few days to figure out how I can solve my problem.  Finally I ended up at the following page about DC Motors.  See DC-Motors. There is a part about noise caused by the DC motors.  To isolate both circuits (Raspberry Pi linked/Battery holder […]

IR Receiver versus DC motor

Some more about my issue. I tried an alternative calling irw direcly in my java code p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“irw”); And the result was exactly the same. Once the motor starts turning, the IR receiver seems hanging. When the motor stops, the IR receiver works again. Some reading and searching on the internet learned me that […]

Look for JLIRC Alternative

My first experiments with JLirc were promising but at some point I started getting issues. The idea was simple. Compile the code and put in in the classpath. That was working well but in the context of my Rasbperry Controlled Car I got weird issues. The JLirc library has a native implementation to read the […]